Friday, September 5, 2008

My first blog entry - EVER (An Introduction)

Hello everyone!

I am very excited that I have decided to start blogging. I have heard of many people who are doing it, but I have never done it before now. So, here we go!

First, I would like to say that I am a newly recovering alcoholic. I am going through intensive outpatient therapy and just trying to keep my head above water. I am happy to say that I am doing really well in staying sober, so far. I know that is not a guarantee that I will stay that way, but I am doing better than I thought I would be.

With that said, let me tell everyone who is going to follow my blog, that everything I am going to be writing about is going to deal with my feelings, daily activities, life, you name it. I am going to use this as a means of a journal in hopes that it will aide me in my recovery. I will also be talking about things that interest me. Sometimes this will be about computers, software, hardware, hiking, photography, just anything that is of interest to me. If I am able to do so, I may even put tips and tricks for computer users on here.

As you will find out, I am a total Mac head. I love all things Macintosh. I also love Linux as well. My flavor is Fedora, so most of my Linux posts will revolve around Fedora. As for Mac, well who knows what I will post on that. I also use Windows as well and support Windows and Mac. Linux to a degree, but I am not yet as proficient with Linux as the other OS's.

Something else that I enjoying doing, but can't seem to find the time is to write. I really enjoying the process of writing and expressing myself through my writing. So, maybe this will indeed help me to write more and more often. I intend on making at least one post per day, if not more. That will depend on my mood and what has transpired throughout the day.

I welcome comments, however, I will be screening them and you will need to subscribe to my blog in order to leave comments. Sorry, I just don't want to deal with the spam.

OK, well enough for an introduction, I will be posting more very soon.
